4/19/2022 2 Comments April 18, 2022It is the final morning (this trip) in Pura Vida world and I am seated at a plastic table poolside of the decently rated, clean and conveniently placed overnight San Jose solution to making my international flight, back to the US today on this, the busiest weekend of the CR calendar. I find myself picking at my less-than-usually-appetizing Tico buffet breakfast (always including fresh mango with my cereal; heuvos, Spanish rice, plantains and salsa), As I become conscious of and attempt to order the thoughts comprising my current narrative, my attention is visually drawn to the colorful external composition that in front of me, is being played out by nature’s orchestra. I am hypnotized by the constant rhythmical, high-pitched underscoring of cicadas chirping in unison, seemingly conducted by some invisible maestro guiding their vacillating volume - sometimes pianissimo and then, as if manually dialed up (or down again), becomes noticeably fortissimo. This hum is overlayed by a syncopated staccato of cheeping feathered soloists who are performing an eye-catching aerial interlude on the concrete pool deck. Without warning, I am startled back to the reality of my imminent Costa Rican departure by the clanging waitstaff, who are cheerfully working hard for their guests on the most sacred of Costa Rican holidays - Semana Santa (Easter Week). I am clearly no longer in the rainforest jungle of Nosara and as I, again, deep in thought, wistfully gaze up from my generic cup of aromatic cafe con leche, I notice the painted mural of the iconic Monte Verde volcano on the concrete cycloramic wall ahead, that separates this hotel from another, in the concrete jungle of San Jose. Checking the time, I mentally prepare for the arriving transfer (no Ubers in Nosara, just Tuk Tuks), that will shortly deliver me to San Jose International airport, the final stop before I am shuttled back to my North American suburban living. Reality sets firmly in - Dorothy is one step closer to Kansas - lion’s and tigers and bears - OH MY!! ….CUT!!!…aren’t those creatures supposed to reside in this mysteriOZ jungle, that life’s tornado unexpectedly plants us in and NOT in the suburban and conventional life we create for ourselves - the one in which I am raising my family? Director's Note:
Character Analysis:
(Side Note):As Dorothy, Lion, Tin Man and Scarecrow experienced - it’s so much more more enlightening and joyful if we do it together (while singing and dancing ;). Heck - it’s my story - so I even get to throw in the great backdrop of Nosara and magical sunset lighting!!!)
Finale:Like the skillful understanding required of the patient surfers, so as to safely negotiate and master the challenges in size and force presented to them by the ever-changing currents beneath the sun-drenched waves; Like the vacillating pitch and volume of the seasonal clock-work return of the cicadas relentless call - the signs are all around us, if we just pay attention! This yin/yan; north/south predisposition is embedded in the most primal core of nature’s very existence and presides over us, if for no other reason, than to act as a constant introspective reminder to us to reassess and reflect. They call for us to break the constraints of our scripted narrative that began at a time when we can’t quite remember who we were. Instead, the resounding question is now: WHO ARE you and HOW can you become the best version of that. And while committed to the quest of uncovering the truest (and most peaceful and blissfully calm) rendition of “me”, this leading lady still, too often, feels like the embodiment of a clumsy, smiling circus puppet, whose strings feel manipulated in opposing directions. I am at times, undoubtedly expressively dancing in synchronicity. But more often I witness myself reactively juggling hats and roles, with a (sometimes self-imposed) unrealistic expectation to maintain the equilibrium, to maintain patience and grace through adversity, as an unfailing example to others and most importantly (to me) as a the illustrious role-model to my offsp(st)rings. And, just when these strings, worn thin, feel like they may no longer sustain or might snap and ricochet like a shattered tendon; causing lasting, but repairable damage; when the internal (and external imposing) conflicts counter-productively gravitationally triumph, I become uncomfortably aware of the ensuing chaos. And whether like a prompt standing concealed in the wings inconspicuously feeding me my lines, or more like a booming voice at curtain bluntly reminding to turn off my (internal) cell phone, to refrain from (blinding) flash photography, I am redirected. I script in an intermission of self-care, so I can once again fulfill the contract I made with myself and others in order to continue to drive the plot forward. I find my way back to Nosara - my immersive theatrical open-air, inspirational "play"ground. Encore: So, like any great stage or screenplay-write, director, actor or crew, I am hoping to leave my audience with unanswered, open-ended possibilities as to how this could perchance play out. Of one thing I am more conscious than ever before: the conclusions you may draw will not only be informed by the story I have written and that you have witnessed, but as importantly (if not more-so), will be influenced (both consciously and subconsciously) by the row and seat number that both choice and circumstance landed you in.Like the skillful understanding required of the patient surfers in order to safely negotiate and master the challenges in size and force presented to them by the sun-drenched waves; like the ever-changing pitch and volume of the predictable clock-work return of the cicadas relentless call - the signs are all around us, if we just pay attention! This yin/yan; north/south predisposition is embedded in the most primal core of nature’s very existence and presides over us, if for no other reason than to act as a constant introspective reminder for us to reassess and reflect. It begs us to break the constraints of our scripted narrative that began at a time when we can’t quite remember who we were. Instead, the resounding question is now: WHO ARE you and HOW can you become the best version of that.
April 18, 2022Isn't it Ironic!!! Just this morning, this came across my neighborhood text feed, shortly after receiving a text warning from our local neighborhood police department. This photo was captured a little over a half a mile from my home in NJ suburbia!!
A Blog that Evolved out of my trips to Nosara